Beerchives images_Stone Squrrel.png



Spring is the season of Renewal and Invention, and that’s cool with Fremont, so we decided to offer not one, but three different beers for our Spring Seasonal this year. The January beer is Stone Squirrel, a Coffee Porter. Snuggle up to the Stone Squirrel, and enjoy the gentle embrace of rich chocolate, coffee, and roasted toffee flavors. Stone Squirrel is brewed with locally roasted, cold- brewed coffee, and chocolate and roast malts on top of a base of pale malt and Yakima Valley hops. “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” – Douglas Adams

Down & Dirty: 2-Row Pale, Munich, C-60, Carafa 2 Special, and Chocolate malts, Rolled Oats, Columbus hops, and Tony’s Café Carmelita coffee.

ABV: 5.4%           IBU: 25
Color: Deep, rich brown   
Aroma: Chocolate, coffee, sweet
Flavor: Roasted malts, caramel, coffee

Availability: January
Fresh Range: 90 days from packaged-on date